Monday, May 27, 2013

Girma Yifrashewa & Michael Belayneh - Meleya Keleme [2003]

                           R  E  U  P  L  O  A  D  

       Musicians Girma Yifrashewa and Michael Belayneh released a CD entitled “Meleya Keleme” co-financed through the common support fund for Franco-German cultural projects in third world countries on the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Franco-German “Friendship Treaty”. The lyrics of the new music are written by the well-known Ethiopian playwright, actor and poet Getnet Eneyew.

        The CD was officially presented at an Ethiopian music concert at the Hilton Hotel. Girma and Michael recorded three of the eight tracks, with French violinist Patrice Legrand, director and German cellist Markus Lentz who will be in Addis to perform at the concert.

       This Ethio-Franco-German musical realization was made possible through the collaboration of the Alliance Ethio-Française and the Goethe Institute in Addis Ababa under the sponsorship of their two embassies.

       The CD was also released in France and Germany, and will then be made available in other countries through the international distribution network of BNL Productions based in France.  

      On January 1963, President Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer signed a treaty of friendship which set the seal on the reconciliation between Germans and French in an historical disputed Europe. The treaty was named “Elysée Treaty” after the place where it was signed in France.

      Girma, Michael, Patrice and Markus will soon be on tour in France and Germany.


  1. could you refresh the link ?

    thanks, Girma is a great musician



  3. Thank You for this :)

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