Friday, October 3, 2014

Mohammed 'Jimmy' Mohammed - Takkabel ! [2006] [ethiopia]

   R    E   U   P   L   O   A   D   


   Mohammed Jimmy Mohammed (1958) is a phenomenal blind singer from the bar-circuit in Addis Abeba, born in Mersa, Wollo. Jimmy specializes in the songs of Tlahoun Gessesse, the greatest singer of Ethiopia. Still Jimmy always remains true to himself and sings with both depth and passion, but his style is also improvised and swinging. The songs are about love, politics, and the social life of the poor. 

       But there is also wit and charm and plenty of ‘Wax & Gold’, the typical Ethiopian double meaning. He knows hundreds and hundreds of songs by heart and it is hard to guess which one will come next. Jimmy appears on the Ethiopiques 2 CD, but this is his first full-length CD: ‘Takkabel!’. Recorded last year while in Europe for the Moers Jazz Festival. He is accompanied by Mesele Asmamaw on the krar, a 5 string harp and Asnake Gebreyes on the traditional drums. 

       They are often accompanied by Dutch jazz drummer Han Bennink, who also plays a star-role on the CD.

1.  - Aykedashem lebe  (8:55)
2.  - Sethed Seketelat (6:25)
3.  - Sewetchi Men Yilalu / Tezalegn Yilalu Tezalegn  (11:13)
4.  - Selaseb/Gubel  (10:50)
5.  - Mela Mela (7:15)
6.  - Uuta Ayaskefam / Semat Endateres  (8:54)
7.  - Lantchi Biye / Salamlantchi (9:28)
8.  - Altchalkoum * (8:01)


Mohammed ‘Jimmy’ Mohammed - vocals
Mesele Asmamaw - krar, backing vocals
Asnake Gebreyes - drums, backing vocals
Han Bennink - drums (1, 3, 4, 6, 8)
Getatchew Mekuria - saxophone (2, 3, 5)
Massimo Zu - bass (1)

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