Friday, May 24, 2013

various artists - The Festival of 1000 Stars [2005]

                                                 R  E  U  P  L  O  A  D   

                                                  The Festival of 1000 Stars. 

Tribal groups from Southern Ethiopia come together to perform and celebrate their traditional songs and dances.

       A soundscape of the third festival of music and dance held at Arba Minch, Ethiopia, December 2005. 26 of over 50 distinct communities from Southern Ethiopia came together to celebrate and share their traditional music and dance. Global Music Exchange was asked by the Christensen Fund to help organise and record this third festival. About 9 hours of music was recorded by Martin Cradick, and Colin Powerstepper has edited an hour's worth of it in this CD that conveys the spirit of this fascinating part of the world.

"A decade ago, Martin & Su Cradick set off for the Cameroon rain forest and brought back exquisite recordings of the music of the Baka people (The Heart of the Forest/Hannibal Records). In 2005, they took their remarkable skills in energizing and documenting traditional African cultures to the Rift Valley of Southern Ethiopia. The result is a stunning collection of tribal music, assembled for its excitement and its beauty rather than its documentary value to scholars. The work they do resembles no other; they are fast becoming one of the developing world's great cultural assets."

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