Monday, May 9, 2016

Zerfu Demissie - Akotet: Songs of the Begena [2008] [ethiopia]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

      In March 2001, Andy (also guitarist in The Ex) and I (Terrie Ex) were in Addis Abeba, checking out possibilities for The Ex to play some concerts in Ethiopia. But also to check out other music. There is so much amazing stuff there. One day, in the middle of the Mercato, we were struck by something that we had never heard before. Out of the street speaker of a little cassette shop, flowed a sound that was dark, heavy and serious, but also light, fragile and spiritual. We couldn't quite pin it down. We knew the great Ethiopiques 11 of Alemu Aga, but this was different. Slightly embarrassed at the fact that the shopkeeper had had to take the cassette out of the machine and that the street was suddenly silent, we bought the tape. It turned out to be Zerfu Demissie

        In March 2004, we organized a series of concerts in Holland called "An Ethiopian music night". The programme consisted of The Ex + Han Bennink, nine of the greatest Azmaris from Addis and Alemu Aga on the begena. Quite a contrasting line-up! In Ethiopia, the Azmaris and Alemu are from completely opposite sides of the musical spectrum. 

     The Azmaris' music is about drinking, politics, sex, dancing, jokes. Playing the begena, on the other hand, is rooted in meditation, concentration and prayer. Deeply devoted to the Orthodox Christian tradition, Alemu was in his fasting period during the tour, which for him meant an even stronger spiritual commitment and no meat and alcohol. He played his songs and right after, The Ex performed. A very different music from a very different background. But when we were finished, Alemu was there standing at the side of the stage, offering us some cold beers. This is not a rigid religion and culture. This is about people.

     We became more and more intrigued by Ethiopian music and culture. We were also intrigued by the begena, an instrument that dates back thousands of years; with its mesmerizing buzzing sound and its special role in the musical, sociological palette. There are the fascinating lyrics, sometimes hundreds of years old and occasionally very contemporary. At times biblical, at other times tapped from different sources. But all including this typical Ethiopian phenomenon known as "Wax 'n' Gold", the subtle poetry with double meaning, which is deciphered as an abstract art form.

     This music is unique to this worid. We had to find out more. August 2006, and we were back in Ethiopia. Jeroen took his mobile studio and Emma her camera. We were hoping to find Zerfu to make a recording with him. And we did find him. He agreed to the project, and a few days later, we recorded him in his empty bedroom at home. Beautiful! Enjoy the sounds within!

Terrie Ex - Wormer, November 2007

01. Zerfu Demissie - Alayenem Belu, Alsemanem Belu (5:42)
02. Zerfu Demissie - Degwawen Kitetut (5:41)
03. Zerfu Demissie - Arb Yetaredewn (8:05)
04. Zerfu Demissie - Ahadu Belo K'idus (8:32)
05. Zerfu Demissie - Arb, Rob, Inegedef (5:10)
06. Zerfu Demissie - Ne'i, Ne'i Kidane Mehret (6:29)
07. Zerfu Demissie - Efoy Ta'ageseke (4:48)
08. Zerfu Demissie - Sek'let (3:27)
09. Zerfu Demissie - Dingelim (4:01)
10. Zerfu Demissie - Esme Ante (2:46)
11. Zerfu Demissie - Godana (7:06)


  1. Dear friend- I am totally in love with your blog! My previous introduction to Ethiopian music was, of course- through the Ethiopiques series...what you've done here makes that collection pale in comparison. Many thanks for opening my eyes...and a truly wonderful collection of music from a beautiful country of equally beautiful people.


  2. thanks, man!

    I'm glad you like my blog, and ethiopian music and people. I am equally facinated with this beautiful people and their music.

    This blog is result of my longlasting passion for ethiopian music in various genres. As you noticed, Ethiopique series is wonderful, but there is plenty of music which is not included in Falceto's adventure.

    So, I decided to offer wider picture.

    I have more than 100 unposted albums and collections, but I choose to post a bit from everything.

    Any donation in music is welcome!

    greetings from flooded Serbia.


  3. Hi, did you know about another begena CD published in 2006 byn Ethnographic Museum Geneva (Switzerland), featuring several players, including two women? Here is a link:


  4. hi, could you please reupload this one? thanks



  6. I'm half way through filling up my JukeBox. I have a 1957 JukeBox which I'm trying to fill with Ethiopian music. Over the last few years I have seen singles go from 10-15 pounds to 100 pounds hence I have slowed down. If I could locate any 7" singles or buy double from anyone let me know. I will send you a video of my JukeBox it is beautiful.

  7. Link not working can please update them
