Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Oh No - Dr. No's Ethiopium [2009]

                                   R  E  U  P  L  O  A  D   

       Following in the tradition of Dr. No's Oxperiment, Oh No delves headfirst into an album inspired by and sampled from rare 60's and 70's Ethiopian funk, jazz, folk, soul and psychedelic rock

          He calls it Ethiopium. Previous descriptions used to describe Oh No's adventures into "never-sampled-before" territory apply - adventurousexoticsmartfun, and thrilling.

       Even if you've never heard an instrument tuned to the qenet scale before, even if you're more into ballads than you are tezeta's, Oh No's transformative effect on his source material will blow you away in its otherworldy funkiness.

36 tracks. 52 minutes of delights .. enjoy ...