Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mohammed Wardi - Greatest Hits [sudan]

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          Mohammed Wardi received several nicknames throughout his career. “Africa’s Pharaoh” was at the same time the “Leftist Artist.” The man who throughout his entire life regarded himself as a crowned king of Sudanese song often focused on those less fortunate than himself in his work. 

               “The Voice of Joy” passed away Saturday in Khartoum at the age of 79.

            The exceptionally talented Wardi turned singing into a medium for seeking justice and beauty. He did not view the “leftist artist” nickname as a demagogic slogan but thought of it as a responsibility. The choices he made in his life and career seemed to revolve around living up to that title. One of these choices was his decision to become a Communist Party member alongside Sudanese Communist heavyweight Muhammad Ibrahim Naqd.

          Wardi began his life as a music teacher at Sudanese schools in the 50s. He was then involved in a union struggle to defend teachers’ rights before joining the radio as a first class singer and composer.

       Wardi began his life as a music teacher at Sudanese schools in the 50s. He was then involved in a union struggle to defend teachers’ rights before joining the radio as a first class singer and composer.

       It is hard to separate between his political beliefs and artistic choices. He built the latter on fine lyrics that succeeded in offering an “alternative song” to counter Sudanese pop songs of the era.

       Wardi’s rise to success was in a big part owed to the work he did with two distinguished poets and songwriters, Ismail Hassan and Mahjoub Sharif. It was then that he went beyond the pentatonic musical scale that was prevalent in Sudan’s music to open up new horizons for Sudanese music.

      There was also Wardi’s love for Egyptian music, which he used to add an oriental flavor to his works. Soon thereafter, he introduced Nubian tunes and instruments, such as mandolins, into Sudanese music.

      Wardi’s political and artistic commitment was tested in a country that suffered several political coups. He supported General Ibrahim Abboud’s coup in 1958. However, he then celebrated its downfall in the 1964 “October revolution.”

      Following Jaafar al-Numairi’s coup in 1969, Wardi sang odes in support of the new regime, when it still had socialist orientations, only to perform other songs calling for the fall of al-Numairi’s regime in April 1985 revolution.

      Wardi left Sudan in 1989 following the rise of Sudanese President Omar Bashir to power. He spent 13 years in voluntary exile mostly in Cairo, where he was famous before his arrival.

     Wardi left behind a reservoir of songs that have become part of the Sudanese daily life. Wardi died, but his fans all along the Nile will continue to sing his songs for years to come.

1. Mohammed Wardi - Armusal (11:33)
2. Mohammed Wardi - Alnas Algyafa (8:54)
3. Mohammed Wardi - Amir Alhusen (6:14)
4. Mohammed Wardi - Ana Arfek Ya Fouady (3:15)
5. Mohammed Wardi - Ashof Fi Shakhsak Ahlami (10:10)
6. Mohammed Wardi - Been Wa Bainak Wa Alayam (6:47)
7. Mohammed Wardi - Ghalta (6:09)
8. Mohammed Wardi - Ma Takhgali (9:14)
9. Mohammed Wardi - Sodfa (8:51)



  2. The music's worth it, even if the selections are very uneven in sound quality. Wardi would seem to have been both an excellent performer, and a real human being in the best sense of the word.
