Friday, August 2, 2013

Ukandanz - Yetchalal [2013] [france + ethiopia]

               uKanDanZ - Yetchalal

         The French quintet  uKanDanZ , a self-described "Ethiopian Crunch Music" ensemble, is a multi-national group playing high-energy ethnic jazz/noise rock with melodies inspired by Ethiopian folk and pop music. They are fronted by the considerable vocal prowess of Asnake GUEBREYES, and sport a very lively ensemble sound, often danceable, sometimes dissonant, always rhythmic. 

        uKanDanZ... a unique style, an unusual meeting between an electric quartet and Asnake Guebreyes, charismatic leadsinger originates from the vibrant music scene in Addis Abeba.
     Their music is inspired by traditional and popular Ethiopian songs. uKanDanZ has a real crunch energy. 
      Between rock, jazz, noise... With impertinence, they rock it wildly. Without compromise. Guitar, saxophone, keyboards, drums and vocals shuffle our bearings. What a pleasure! The stage presence of uKanDanZ swings alternatelybetween energy and emotion... then the public, transcended, dances and shivers.

        Lionel MARTIN provides a very visible tenor sax presence, tying in a jazz element, and Damien CLUZEL contributes guitar (as baritone guitar) with strong evidence of Rock-In-Opposition-like stylings. Fred ESCOUFFIER handles keyboard duties, and Guilhem MEIER keeps the drums busy yet funky.

Their first album, "Yetchalal", was released in early 2013, produced by the band.


Asnaké Gèbrèyès (vocals) 
Damien Cluzel (guitar and baritone guitar) 
Lionel Martin (tenor saxophone) 
Fred Escoffier (keyboards) 
Guilhem Meier (drums) 

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