Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wedel Bikri - [1996] - Oumri Al-Baghi (What's Left of My Years) [sudan]

Original post at Awesome Tapes from Africa

     Wad El-Bakri (Wedel Bikri) -  Oumri Al-Baghi (What's Left of My Years)

        ود البكري, full name: Abdel-Baqi Ahmad Al-Bakri, is a Sudanese singer from the White-Nile delta region. He used to work as a pharmacist, and started singing at local haflas (communal parties and gatherings) paid too little for his singing and rabab-playing in the early 80's. 
        Then with time, he learned to master the oud and got his full backing orchestra. Lately, he began singing only madayeh (adulatory) religious songs on a satellite channel in Sudan. 


  1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ln4gf44p36h5xff/Wedel_Bikri_-_%5B1996%5D_-_Oumri_Al-Baghi_(What's_Left_of_My_Years)_%5Bsudan%5D.rar

  2. Thank you for this interesting post!!

  3. Do you have any info or idea, where the recordings and production of that album were made?
    Ethiopia? Sudan? Egypt? ??

    With best regards

