Monday, August 19, 2013

Yared Abraham - Yenat Wuletawa

        Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Yared Abraham was exposed to both traditional and modern Ethiopian music from his early age. He attended his high school in the United States where he continued his music lessons. Yared continued to develp his musical talent and subsequently went on to study computer based music recording softwears. 
        While attending college, Yared started to perform as a one-man band at various clubs and restaurants. Ever since then his music career has taken him across Africa, US, Europe and the Middle East where he performed with various Ethiopian artists like Aster Aweke, Mohamoud Ahmed, Theodros Tadesse, Hamelmal Abate, Ephrem Tamiru and so on…

      Yared Abraham is currently on tour with Abugida Band as a keyboard player.

01. Yared Abraham - Anchi lij/Shegeye (7:45)
02. Yared Abraham - Teyekesh Tereji (6:00)
03. Yared Abraham - Endet Nesh (5:02)
04. Yared Abraham - Anchi Keto (5:47)
05. Yared Abraham - Yenat Wuletawa (6:11)
06. Yared Abraham - Keto Salawek (4:42)
07. Yared Abraham - Kumetesh Loga Naw (5:40)
08. Yared Abraham - Gara Ser Naw (6:02)
09. Yared Abraham - Yemata Yemata (7:22)
10. Yared Abraham - Kagnesh Alu (4:35)
11. Yared Abraham - Bertukane (3:08)



  2. I love you yaredo! Keep up the good work!
