Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Petites Planètes - Now Ethiopia • TILAHUN • lalibela songs from Addis Ababa [2012] [ethiopia]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

originaly posted HERE :

          Lalibela, a small town in northern Ethiopia, home to 11 spectacular churches that were carved both inside and out from 
a single rock some 900 years ago. 

           Their building is attributed to King Lalibela who set out to construct in the 12th century a 'New Jerusalem', after Muslim conquests halted Christian pilgrimages, even today it is believed that Lalibela pilgrims share the same blessings as pilgrims to Jerusalem. 

      The Jerusalem theme is important. The rock churches, although connected to one another by maze-like tunnels, are physically separated by a small river which the Ethiopians named the Jordan.

1. blessings     15:12

2. offerings     04:23

 film _

recorded by Jacob Kirkegaard 
in Taitu Hotel 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

june 2012 

produced by Vincent Moon & Jacob Kirkegaard


