Thursday, April 16, 2015

AE 320 Alemayehu Eshete - [1971] - Addis Ababa Bete - Alteleyeshignim 7'' [wav] [ethiopia]

Dear readers,

         By now you have probably got used to the irregularities of the blog postings which reflect my personal interests in the different genres of Ethiopian music.  Working on this blog gives me immense pleasure.  I doubt that I would invest so much effort and care in collecting material for myself only. With you, my followers in mind, I aim to present the material concisely, clearly and informatively.

          In the blog posts I have tried to cover, as far as possible, a wide and diverse selection that I have come across. I have been quite busy lately with my everyday commitments, so I have not had enough time to update the blog with new postings, and there are quite a few of those. Their time will come, if you are patient.

        With this post I am starting a short series of rare and interesting singles released in Ethiopia during the 60s and 70s. It is very difficult to find information about the music of the time, which is why I would welcome your help. My job is made more difficult by the fact that I do not speak either Amharic, or any other of the Ethiopian languages. Therefore I apologise in advance for my frequent mistaken and sometimes plain incorrect, album titles.

        In terms of the next dozen posts or so, I owe a debt of gratitude to my online friend Richard (*Richardpoespoes) from Holland. He obtained, digitalised and cleaned up the cracklings and noise from the records.

     All the recordings have been transferred to the highest quality windows audio wave format [wav].

Enjoy and stay in touch.

      I would particularly welcome the links for the albums and authors you have that you feel belong on this blog. Some of you have sent me brilliant rare albums and recordings , some of which I have shared, and some are yet to be shared.

       My musical adventure is in its fourth year. I did not anticipate such a huge response and number of visits. I am happy that you like the posts and contact me with words of approval and support. I would not have lasted this long without your support.

     Contact me and I would welcome your suggestions. Each one of your comments means a lot. 



Alemayehu Eshete - Alteleyeshignim [Live at Jazzamba]

ALEMAYEHU ESHETE: Addis Ababa Bete / Alteleyeshignim

Amha AE 320 A

Alemayehu Eshete: Addis Ababa Bete 
Arranged by Girma Beyene 
Accompanied by the All Star Band
Produced by Amaha Eshete 
Reissued on 'éthiopiques-9: Alèmayèhu Eshèté 1969-1974', (Buda Musique, France) as "Addis Abèba bété".

Amha AE 320 B
Alemayehu Eshete: Alteleyeshignim
Arranged by Girma Beyene 
Accompanied by the All Star Band
Produced by Amaha Eshete
Reissued on 'éthiopiques-10: Ethiopian Blues & Ballads', (Buda Musique, France) as "Altèlèyèshegnem".

Year: 1971 
Record pressed in India

Note: Addis Ababa Bete is spelled 'Addis Abeba Bete' on the label.



  2. Thank you, absolutely wonderful.

  3. Thank you Ethio. You've opened my ears to a diversity of sounds from east africa. many thanks for sharing these musics


  4. Sad to say that Mediafire has blocked the upload. New link?


  5. @ Venkat:

    links works fine.

    mediafire do it on request just for several countries with strict copyright policy

    ..send me an e-mail on my adress, so I will try to upload it for you .. even this track are already published on ethiopiques series (see note on credits)
