Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia [2008] [ethiopia]

      Between 2003 and 2006, Bastien Lagatta, musician and ethnomusicologist, undertook musical researches among the agro-pastoral societies of the Omo valley, thanks to the support of the CNRS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNESCO. For months, he has shared the everyday life of the semi-nomads tribes Nyangatom, Mursi and Bodi, and has taken up the study of their musical repertories. The trek, of several hundred kilometres along the Omo river, in such an amazing natural environment, led him to the heart of Humanity with its peculiar mores, customs and habits. 

              Greatly endearing, these men and women live in a world whose balance is precarious. These recordings reveal the importance of this patrimonial, cultural and artistic heritage.

Benjamin Goldenstein & Patrick Frémeaux

The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 01 - Introduction: Troupeaux De Zébus Aux Paturages (1:01)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 02 - Loniyang: Monodie (2:36)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 03 - Loutouleniyang: Monodie (1:49)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 04 - Lopelouk, Suivi De Lobokhiniyang (6:11)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 05 - Lokengkori (1:48)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 06 - Chants Des Vieux Bergers De La Génération Des Élephants (3:35)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 07 - Loumougoulmoye: Chant Collectif Mixte (3:07)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 08 - Chant De Travail: Duo Féminin (2:53)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 09 - Niameley Ye Loporiang (4:40)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 10 - Rienga Rienga Loporiang (6:08)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 11 - Aleke Lokholoya (4:50)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 12 - Flûte Mursi Morou (1:50)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 13 - Oletchay (1:04)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 14 - Naboula Nadongulu (1:44)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 15 - Nangwayna Kara (1:25)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 16 - Badio Laute (1:45)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 17 - Kalalalibosso (1:13)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 18 - Flûtes Morou (2:26)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 19 - Kaenaniye (1:01)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 20 - Komdaye (1:01)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 21 - Ayolo Deguelaye (1:08)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 22 - Noukouregnanineye (1:11)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 23 - ADJenoloynetch (0:35)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 24 - Flûtes Morou (1:02)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 25 - Ambiance De Fête Au Village De Gui Ha (1:14)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 26 - Trompe Trounotey (1:22)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 27 - Danse Et Chant Collectif Mixte Pour Les Troupeaux (1:27)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 28 - Duo Vocal Féminin (5:02)
The Warrior-Shepherds From The Omo Valley - Ethiopia - 29 - Epilogue: À Ce Voyage Musical… (1:05)

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