Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Yeshimebet Dubale - unknown album [ethiopia]

Yeshemebet Dubale - Tiz Alegn

Yeshimebet Dubale - 01 - Menew [ምነው] (5:20)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 02 - Ateshfetebte [አትሽፍትበት] (5:57)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 03 - Hakime [ሐኪሜ] (6:05)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 04 - Men belehegn Nebere [ምን ብለኸኝ ነበር] (6:51)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 05 - Yekere [ይቅር] (6:16)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 06 - Yeshalale [ይሻላል] (4:46)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 07 - Bamarlegn [ባማረልኝ] (4:36)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 08 - Ateketatelegn [አትከታተልኝ] (7:17)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 09 - Yante Yalehe [ያንተ ያለህ] (4:59)
Yeshimebet Dubale - 10 - Eresaw [እርሳው] (6:10)


  1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/888o7zb8939rd2g/Yeshimebet_Dubale_-_new_album_%5Bethiopia%5D.rar

  2. Thanks for this one! Been looking for Yeshmibet Dubale's older music for years now.

  3. An excellent artist with a distinctive sound. I'm curious whatever happened to her. Someone reported (here?) that she was killed during the Ethiopian-Eritrean War, but I've seen no confirmation of this.

  4. Checked the Amharic at the top of the cover in Google Translate: የሺመቤት ዱባለ, which just means Yeshmibet Dubale. Since her name is written there in cursive as well, I would consider it an eponymous album.

  5. Where is the song in the youtube video linked here? I can't find this song anywhere in a higher quality.

  6. Adapted the information from the cover and the songs to Discogs, probably somebody knows more... https://www.discogs.com/release/13859914
