Monday, October 3, 2016

Hirut Bekele - Hirut Bekele with Roha Band [ethiopia]

Hirut Bekele- Gudaye

Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 01 - Gudaye [ጐዳዬ] (7:10)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 02 - Lebe feseselet [ልቤ ፈሠሠለት] (4:55)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 03 - Hode Shefetebegn [ሆዴ ሸፋተብኝ] (6:16)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 04 - Yawqehut Ahun New [ያውቅሁት አሁን ነው] (5:19)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 05 - Ayaschelen [አያስችለን] (5:34)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 06 - Yeqirta [ይቅርታ] (3:27)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 07 - Yezehe Ezoralehu [ይዤው እዞራለሁ] (6:18)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 08 - Menew Akale [ምነው አካሌ] (7:35)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 09 - Engedaye Neh [እንግዳዬ ነህ] (5:25)
Hirut Bekele [ሂሩት በቀለ] - 10 - Addis Abeba New Betu [ኣዲስ ኣበባ ነው ቤቱ] (7:10)



  2. i dont know what to say ..i just found this website by accident...i am just the new generation of ethiopia but i always prefer older music...this is the right place to be for people like me. God bless u!!!!
