Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Shewandagne Hailu - Sik Alegn [2003] [ethiopia]

       Shewandagne Hailu was born in Addis Ababa. He attended his elementary school at ‘Meskaye Hezunan’ and his high school at St. Joseph. He also had joined Addis Ababa University and was a third year management student when he decided to drop out and pursue his music career.
        Shewandagne was nurturing his music talent at early age singing to his classmates and friends in school and at his neighborhood. During his high school stay at St. Joseph, he joined the school band as singer.

      The school administration used to encourage music as an extra curricula activity and support the members of the school band. Administration then also bought music instrument for the band and recruited a music instructor. Thought Shewandagn's stay in St. Joseph's music band didn't not exceed more then two years, the support he had got in the school had laid the strongestfoundation for the level where he reached today. At St. Joseph, Shewandagne was highly recognized for his english songs but he also used to sing amharic ones, esspecially those of Getachew Kassa.

     When Shewandagne joind university, he did not quit of playing music. He rather joind Ethio-Star Band where he used to sing twice a week. Getting the opportunity to perform on various stages Shewandagne grew his professional skills and proved himself as an accomplished musician. As his fame grew bigger, he moved to the then top bands "Sevance" and "Express"and performed on big stages.

Shewandagne Hailu - Sik Alegn (Full Album)

     During his stay in two bands, Shewandagne had got the chance to play along with renowned singers such as Tewodros Kassahun aka Teddy Afro, Tigist Belachew, Abdu Kiar, Shimeles Ararso, Tsedenya Gebre Markos and many others. Shewandagn and Teddy Afro was not only share stagesbut also grew close friendship through time. Along with the well respected guitarist Girum Mezmur they form "Afro Sound Band". The tree worked together for years and managed to gain more fame with the band. The remake of Girma Beyene's "Tsigereda"was Shewandagne's firs single. The clip of the song, which was recorded live on the Ethiopian Television Studio, was a hit. The popularity of the single brought him the opportunity to perform in Djibouti, Kenya, Italy and Dubai. The positive response of the audience for his first single was serving as gauge of the success of his first album "Sik Alegn". 

      Following to the success of his album, he toured in Egypt, South Africa, Bahrain, UAE, Israel, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, England and above 12 states of USA. Eight years after the release of hs album, Shewadagn still invited to perform in local and international stages.

    For three years, Shewandagne spend good times with "Zion band". With various bands, he performed on the popular local stages of Buffet De Lagare, Illusion, Hilton, Sheraton Gas Light and Harelm Jazz. His unique way of performnig able to attracted a number of fans. In 2004, Shewandagne together with Tsadenya Gebre Markos and Hadey Haile represented Ethiopia and competed Kora, South Africa based music award competition.

       Beside his profession, Shewandagne grew his interest of managing night clubs since the release of his first album. As they did on "Afro Sound Band", Shewandagne and Teddy Afro ventured on bussines of managing night clubs after the success of "Sik Alegn". They rented the then popular hangout place "Lion Club", and turned in to the number one music destination of the city.

    The six month short lived but most successful trial of the night club bussiness encouraged Shewandagne to fully engage on this area. Along with his three friends, he opened the well known "Fahrenheit"club, located adjacent to Bole Medhanialem, six years ago. Beyonfd his managerial position in the night club, every week he is performing twice. Shewandagne is a keen participant of concerts, social and fundraising events.

     For major part of his music career Shewandagne used to play English music and his original works also consists modern styles, he has also popular local touch.

    Shewandagne is often mentioned among the singers who are credited on their creation and influence on the modern styles of the Ethiopian music industry.

Shewandagne Hailu - 01 - Ayne (5:18)
Shewandagne Hailu - 02 - Eyat Eyat Yilegnal (5:53)
Shewandagne Hailu - 03 - Sik Alegn (4:46)
Shewandagne Hailu - 04 - Tirsish Leymsel (5:55)
Shewandagne Hailu - 05 - Tamralech (5:32)
Shewandagne Hailu - 06 - Min Yilishal (4:34)
Shewandagne Hailu - 07 - Yekerebign (4:44)
Shewandagne Hailu - 08 - Ayrega (4:50)
Shewandagne Hailu - 09 - Akukulu (4:38)
Shewandagne Hailu - 10 - Tsigereda (3:50)
Shewandagne Hailu - 11 - Kurat (5:26)

1 comment:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/jtwo4ra32fak7om/Shewandagne_Hailu_-_%5B2003%5D_-_Sik_Alegn_%5Bethiopia%5D.rar
