Friday, April 28, 2017

Ethioda - Tezet Reset [2016] [fra+eth]

            Ethioda is an amazing music band from Montpellier in the south of France. 

        This crew will rock your body and soul with ethiopian scales inspired vibrations wittyly mixed up with Afrobeat, Funk, Jazz, and good mood

Ethioda (feat. Macsinge) - Azmari

Ethioda - 01 - Ambassel Groove (4:14)
Ethioda - 02 - (Satie a dit ça) Beba (6:04)
Ethioda - 03 - Pentatiopik (4:59)
Ethioda - 04 - Azmari (4:23)
Ethioda - 05 - Echi (2:46)
Ethioda - 06 - Taaba (7:26)
Ethioda - 07 - Respecto (5:03)
Ethioda - 08 - Reset Tezet (1:47)
Ethioda - 09 - Tezet Reset (6:29)
Ethioda - 10 - Ethiodawa (6:25)
Ethioda - 11 - Opale (6:54)

Daniel Moreau (keyboards & composition) 
Baptiste Clerc (guitar & composition) 
Armel Courrée (saxophones & composition) 
Pascal Bouvier (trombone) 
Romain Delorme (bass, ms20) 
Julien Grégoire (drums) 
Eric Durand (percussions) 
Muyiwa Kunudji (trumpet) 
Maore (voice) 
Macsinge (voice) 



  2. Thank You very much ! I am just dicovering Ethio jazz, your blog is précious :-))
