Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mulatu Astatke - Mulatu of Ethiopia [1972] [FLAC]

   R  E  U  P  L  O  A  D   

        Mulatu Astatke might be most known to international audiences through his tracks on the excellent Ethiopiques CD anthology series of Ethiopian music. Long before those tracks were compiled for that series, however, he had an American release with this 1972 instrumental album, on which he's billed as "Mulatu of Ethiopia." 


       Like much of the best of the circa-early-'70s contemporary Ethiopian music on Ethiopiques, it's a fine, at times captivating blend of late-'60s American soul and jazz with Ethiopian music, resulting in something not quite comparable to anything else. 

     It is undeniably funky, with wah-wah guitar and organ aplenty. There's plenty of contemporary jazz in the arrangements, too, the sax runs sometimes showing the influence of the likes of John Coltrane. Yet there's a melancholy minor cast to the melodies that marks this off as something quite different, and the rhythms likewise have irregularities that are more African than American. The only major strike against the LP is its short running time, with the seven tracks adding up to a mere 26-and-a-half minutes or so.

get it in FLAC !!!


  1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/t18h3r4bjp612mv/Mulatu_Astatke_-_%5B1972%5D__Mulatu_of_Ethiopia_%5Bethiopia%5D_%5BFLAC%5D.rar

  2. Just discovered your wonderful site while searching for more Astatke (I currently have 3 CDs). Such wonderful music, and information as to so much more listening! Thanks for your efforts, this saxman is delighted.

  3. Thank you so much !!!

  4. This is really a beautiful record !

  5. Fantástico álbum gracias un millón

  6. Your site is truly incredible. It is opening a door to a world of music I barely knew existed. I'm on cloud-nine, thank you so much for sharing your time and music!!!
