
Showing posts with label popular ethiopian music modern ethiopian music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label popular ethiopian music modern ethiopian music. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

v.a. - Ernesto Chahoud presents TAITU - Soul-fuelled Stompers from 1960s-1970s Ethiopia [2018] [ethiopia]

       Ernesto Chahoud’s Taitu is a collection of soul-fuelled stompers straight from the dancefloors of 1970s Addis Ababa. A breathless journey through the unique Ethio sound that bands were forging at the time, the 24-track compilation is the result of the Lebanese DJ and crate digger’s decade long love affair with the ‘golden age’ of Ethiopian music.

Tilahun Gessesse - Aykedashim Libe

        Among the musical gems featured are 7″s by some of the heavyweights of the scene including Mulatu Astatke and Alemayehu Eshete, the vocalist dubbed the ‘Ethiopian Elvis’, alongside tracks by more obscure artists such as Merawi Yohannis and Birkineh Wurga.

           For Taitu, Chahoud has selected 24 of his essential Ethio-Soul 7″s, that never leave his DJ box, and together they capture this opportune moment in Ethiopian music history that saw bands experiment with an armful of influences: gliding through R&B, rock & roll, jazz, funk, soul and boogaloo. What came out was a distinctly Ethiopian interpretation: pentatonic scales, horn-driven melodies and soul-shattering vocals sung in Amharic.

           The songs are difficult to box in to one genre but they share a simplicity and rawness, added to by their lo-fi quality – with many recordings made in rudimentary studios with only a couple of mics for the entire band.

         From the R&B stomper ‘Honey Baby’ by Alemayehu Eshete to Astatke’s swaggering ethnic-jazz instrumental ‘Emnete’ and the bluesy melancholic vocals of Hirut Bekele on ‘Ewnetegna Feker’, ‘Taitu’ is a window in on the exciting records being made in Ethiopia in the 1970s.

Menelik Wossenatchew - 01 - Fikratchin (3:05)
Mulatu Astatke - 02 - Emnete (3:28)
Tèshomè Meteku - 03 - Hasabe (4:00)
Birkineh Wurga - 04 - Alkedashim (3:16)
Selomon Shibeshi - 05 - Endiet Zenegashiw (4:06)
Alemayehu Eshete - 06 - Chiro Adarie Negne (4:27)
Hirut Bekele - 07 - Ewnetegna Feker (3:15)
Bezunesh Bekele - 08 - Felagote (2:56)
Alemayehu Eshete - 09 - Mekeyershene Salawke (1:48)
Tilahun Gessesse - 10 - Aykedashim Libe (4:57)
Merawi Yohannis - 11 - Teleyeshign (2:27)
Alemayehu Eshete, Hirut Bekele, Hirut Bekele & Alemayehu Eshete - 12 - Temelese (3:19)
Alemayehu Eshete - 13 - Honey Baby (2:37)
Seifu Yohannes - 14 - Ebo Lala (3:34)
Bezunesh Bekele - 15 - Aha Gedawo (3:52)
Alemayehu Borobor - 16 - Yeshebelewa (3:35)
Seifu Yohannes - 17 - Mela Mela (4:09)
Tilahun Gessesse - 18 - Sigibgib Joroye (3:28)
Alemayehu Eshete - 19 - Gizew Honeshyna (2:39)
Bahta G. Hiwot - 20 - Tessassategn Eko (4:02)
Gétatchèw Kassa - 21 - Fikrishin Eshaleyu (3:22)
Hirut Bekele - 22 - Almokerkum Nebere (3:21)
Muluken Melesse - 23 - Alagegnhwatem (4:07)
Ménélik Wossenachew - 24 - Tezeta (4:28)
Tamrat Molla - 25 - Ene Yewodedquat (4:14)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

v.a. - Nahom Favorite, Vol. 14 [2006] (Best Collections) [ethiopia]

Ahmed Teshome - Awra Amba

Tewodros Kassahun - 01 - Menta Wedjie (6:42)
Getu Omahirie - 02 - Yesew Neshe (5:21)
Tewodros Kassahun - 03 - Yregal (6:13)
Natinael Ayalew - 04 - Amrognal (4:32)
Natti Haile - 05 - Bahlien (6:00)
Ahmed Teshome - 06 - Teteyeqie Nazrit (6:07)
Tewodros Kassahun - 07 - Lamie Bora (7:44)
Getu Omahirie & Hayimanot Girma - 08 - Barkln Hagerachenim (5:46)
Ahmed Teshome - 09 - Eyariko (5:06)
Natti Haile - 10 - Bob Marly (4:55)
Ermiyas Asefa - 11 - Alehu Bleshe (5:58)
Tewodros Kassahun - 12 - Sdet (6:40)
Ahmed Teshome - 13 - Dinbi (4:53)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Amaan Nyafaroo - Biyyee Fi Biyyakoo [2017] [ethiopia]

Amaan Nyafaroo - 01 - Onnee Ijoollee Baalee (28:25)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 02 - Biyyi Ofii Haadha (1:15)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 03 - Du'aan Boodas Ta'uu (1:04)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 04 - Biyyee Fi Biyyakoo (40:58)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 05 - Ni Beeka Ni Beekta (1:25)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 06 - Si Boontuu Oromoo (1:24)
Amaan Nyafaroo - 07 - Eebbisaa Addunyaa (6:08)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tewodros Tadesse, Netsanet Melese, Aregahegn Worash, Kuku Sebsebe - 4 stars [1979] [ethiopia]

01 - Tewodros Tadesse & Kuku - Ho naney (6:10)
02 - Tewodros Tadesse - Man endanche (4:50)
03 - Kuku Sebsibe - Shegaw balegame (5:46)
04 - Aregahegn Werash - Eraq eraq atbey (5:30)
05 - Kuku Sebsibe - Yaregal (4:23)
06 - Aregahegn and Netsanet - Ereman Nebere (6:05)
07 - Aregahegn Werash - Setebekesh wuy (6:39)
08 - Kuku Sebsibe - Ante yene mewded (5:05)
09 - Tewodros Tadesse - Altesenadahum (7:03)
10 - Tewodros Tadesse - Menew bene lay (5:21)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Kegnete Mesele - VII - [Ethiopian Traditional Instrumental Music]

Kegnete Mesele - Le Le Le

Kegnete Mesele - 01 - Ererna Gedamu (8:31)
Kegnete Mesele - 02 - Shegiye Selitu (11:55)
Kegnete Mesele - 03 - Yeshrishri (5:32)
Kegnete Mesele - 04 - Ney Ney yagere lij (6:45)
Kegnete Mesele - 05 - Damay Anchin new (4:52)
Kegnete Mesele - 06 - Yager Fikir tizitaw (7:28)
Kegnete Mesele - 07 - Le Le Le (4:57)
Kegnete Mesele - 08 - Yalew gelel (4:43)
Kegnete Mesele - 09 - Ahay Lalay Lalay (5:46)
Kegnete Mesele - 10 - Weyin Abeba Nesh (7:35)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Ayalew Mesfin - Mare Nesh [2009] [ethiopia]

                                                 R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

       Ayalew Mesfin, being seemingly one of the underdogs of his time, he was extremly funky. His tunes from the Ethiopiques series can prove that, listening to Feker Aydellem Wey or Hasabe you might see why. He first started his career in the 70's and is comparable to the style of Alemayehu Eshete. His Fetan Band and The Black Lion Band had definetly an approach to western funk.

       Probably the most fuzzed out track on all of Buda Musique‘s sprawling twenty some odd volumes of their Éthiopiques series, has to be Ayaléw Mèsfin & Black Lion Band’s song Hasabé. That song can be found on the eighth volume, but Mèsfin and his band have been featured on the 13th and 24th volumes, as well as a Rough Guide compilation called The Rough Guide to African Blues.

 Ayalew Mesfin - Hasabé

       Ayaléw Mèsfin got his start playing with a band called Fetan Band – or Speed Band – at the Patrice Lumumba Bar in Addis Ababa. According to his biography, he has released “about twenty singles and a dozen tapes released since 1974. He also opened the Ayaléw Music Shop in Addis Ababa, that he still owns even after moving to America. 

       In January 2008, he performed with the Dutch band The Ex at the Hager Fekir Theatre in Addis Ababa.

01. Ayalew Mesfin - Mare Nesh Ethiopia (6:15)
02. Ayalew Mesfin - Wukaw (4:49)
03. Ayalew Mesfin - Gelel Bey (6:51)
04. Ayalew Mesfin - Gud New (5:45)
05. Ayalew Mesfin - Midirachin Tetades (5:02)
06. Ayalew Mesfin - Selam Le Ethiopia (5:33)
07. Ayalew Mesfin - Ti ishaleeh Nefise (5:03)
08. Ayalew Mesfin - Talika Atigbu (6:25)
09. Ayalew Mesfin - Yanchin Neger (5:56)
10. Ayalew Mesfin - Amesegnalehu (5:05)