
Showing posts with label [kebero]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label [kebero]. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Damakase - Gunfan Yellem! [2016] [ethiopia]

       Endris Hassen (The Ex, Ethiocolor, Imperial Tiger Orchestra, Nile Project, MistO-MistO etc) and Cory Seznec (Groanbox, Seznec Bros, solo, MistO-MistO, etc) joined forces in late 2014 to fuse sounds from east and west Africa. Hungry for a fuller sound, they brought in Misale Legesse (Ethiocolor, Addis Acoustic Project, etc) on kebero and Cass Horsfall on bass (Black Jesus Experience, Jazmaris, etc) to flesh things out and create Damakase, a name which comes from a plant used in traditional medicine in Ethiopia to heal "gunfan" (cold/flu) and other ailments. 
       By late 2015 they had enough songs for an album, and asked Kenny Allen to come in as producer. 

       Gunfan Yellem! (translated roughly as Fever No More!) is an album recorded live in Cory's Glasshouse Studios. 

      Guest artists were invited to add a little spice here and there, and Kenny fine tuned and tweaked the mix to perfection. 

      The music is comprised of 6 originals and two covers (Wuba by the Eritrean composer Tewelde Redda, and Mother's Love by the Ethiopian pianist Emahoy Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou).

Damakase - Tizita Gourd

Damakase - 01 - Wuba (4:09)
Damakase - 02 - Tizita Gourd (4:20)
Damakase - 03 - Wassorai Asho Mada (4:21)
Damakase - 04 - Mother's Love (4:27)
Damakase - 05 - Batten Down the Hatches (4:01)
Damakase - 06 - Southern Bound (5:18)
Damakase - 07 - Tizu Konjo Wusha (3:16)
Damakase - 08 - Damakase (3:29)

Damakase is: 

Cass Horsfall - bass, vocals 
Cory Seznec - guitars, ngoni, banjos, vocals 
Endris Hassen - masenqo, vocals 
Misale Legesse - kebero, percussion, vocals 


Kaethe Hostetter - violin 
Mesele Asmamaw - krar 
Mesfin "Baby" Shiferaw - vocals 
Ralf Werner - cello 
Yann Seznec - piano, pump organ

Friday, June 5, 2015

v.a. - Golagul - Chants d'amour et de resistance [eritrea] [1999]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

                       Eritrea, ancient province Ethiopia became independent at the beginning of the 90's and has lived a painful history. But nothing has ever prevented the people of Eritrea from singing, and not even the numerous famines. 

               The People of the plain of Zula (Afar, Tigré and Saho) give rhythm to their everyday life in simple, repetitive singings. The leader, man or woman, throws a comment on rhythms (handclaps and kebero percussion), the others start again, insisting on the same rhythmic, as an obsessive loop. History the concern of protecting the culture and politics, stimulates more than a singer. " On one hand, he killed you, whereas on the other one he fed you " tells a Saho about Haile Sélassié.

            A kebero is a double-headed, conical hand drum used in the traditional music of Eritrea and Ethiopia. A piece of animal hide is stretched over each end, thus forming a membranophone. A large version of the instrument is also used in Orthodox Christian liturgical music, while smaller versions are used in secular celebrations.

01. Ana meto agébé [Tigré Tribe] 2:57
02. Ayrègèdè [Afar Tribe] 2:05
03. O'h yéharshema [Saho Tribe] 2:34
04. Haleto lale lalô [Saho Tribe] 2:19
05. Sêda [Afar Tribe] 3:05
06. Toriyota [Afar Tribe] 1:38
07. Erab Ghedam [Tigré Tribe] 3:48
08. Adate [Tigré Tribe] 2:59
09. Aran heutoukta [Saho Tribe] 6:41
10. Innyo soklié [Saho Tribe] 3:39
11. Kéké [Afar Tribe] 2:31
12. Sänädirlê [Saho Tribe] 2:24
13. Farum Ghedan [Saho Tribe] 6:46
14. Selâm [Tigré Tribe] 3:49
15. Yewêlâlè [Tigré Tribe] 2:17
16. Erytrea nèdègé [Saho Tribe] 4:24
17. Worada [Saho Tribe] 4:13
18. Lâleh [Afar Tribe] 2:47

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tsehaytu Beraki - Selam [2004] [eritrea]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

         Tsehaytu Beraki (Sun Of Eritrea) is an absolutely legendary singer from Eritrea. Born in 1939 in Quatit, a small village, she soon picked up the krar (5-string harp) and after moving to the capital Asmara she became a famous singer in bars, to attract men to the local traditional beer houses.

        Her courage and inspiration still mean a lot to all Eritreans. When the situation became too bad, she too had to flee into Sudan and in 1988 she ended up in Rotterdam, Holland.


       "I found Tsehaytu by coincidence in Rotterdam, Holland, discouraged and not playing much anymore. I build her a new krar and after some practice sessions, we decided to record the CD together. There isn't really much Eritrean music recorded, from those days.

    The songs are as authentic as possible, Tsehaytu playing all the instruments; the krarkobero and bass-krar. To western ears it is largely unknown music.

       These strange, beautiful rhythms and these moving, almost blues-like ballads. The 17 songs are from different periods of Tshehaytu¹s life. From the very first successes till brand new material, commenting on the latest. With many people involved, we worked for four years on the project, out of respect and love for Tsehaytu's music and person. She deserves to be well documented and remain remembered as a great musician.

     The double CD, with more than two and a half hours of music, also includes a book with an incredible interview about her life, culture and history. It also contains many old photos and the lyrics.

      I wanted to make this wonderful music available to the western music lovers, but of course I realize it is the heritage of Eritrean culture and I know how important Tsehaytu was for the Eritrean people, both young and old."

Terrie Ex

01.  Tsèhaytu Bèraki  - Atzmtom Keskisom (9:58)
02. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Iley Li Habelmalet (9:29)
03. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Abashawel (7:06)
04. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Hallu (8:34)
05. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Harestai (10:02)
06. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Sport Malet (6:00)
07. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Asmara (12:25)
08. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Freweini (7:14)
09. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Askarbay Gomma (5:18)
10. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Bisenselet Fegri (13:17)
11. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Mejemeria Fegri (4:53)
12. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Simsim (11:02)
13. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Ilkanere Beantebo (11:44)
14. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Lale Bola (5:26)
15. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Kabacha Meflayey (7:53)
16. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Ade (10:42)
17. Tsèhaytu Bèraki - Selam (13:31)