

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sileshi Demissie [aka Gash Abera Molla] [erhiopia]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

      Seleshe Damessae (also known as Sileshi Demissie and Gashe Abera Molla) is an extraordinary singer and musician from Ethiopia. He uses a complex vocal styling, sung in Amharic, his native language. He accompanies himself on the krar, a 6-string lyre which dates back to the ancient civilizations of the Nile.

Sileshi Demissie (aka Gash Abera Molla) - The Master of Kirar

     Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Seleshe Damessae began studying the krar at an early age with his father, and later attended the Yared School of Music. He spent nearly four years studying traditional Ethiopian culture in northern rural areas, and today is highly respected for his knowledge of the vocal and instrumental music of his native land. 

     Seleshe is also a skilled instrument maker who builds and plays a variety of folk instruments such as krars, fiddles, harps and drums. He has performed throughout the United States, Europe and Africa.

       Seleshe Damessae founded the Gash Abera Molla Association, upon returning to Addis Ababa after 20 years as a successful singer in the United States and decided to address the social and environmental problems that plagued his home city. He set up the new organization and named it after a character in his songs - Gashe Abera, the old man who takes care of his local community. 

       Sileshi Demisse is a master of his craft. He is a legend. What actually sets Sileshi apart from other artists is what is mainly lacking in the industry these days... An authenticity! 

       He is nothing like any artist you know. You can't compare his works to no one or say I've heard that somewhere. He is totally in a league of his own. Often accompanied by his kirar (a traditional string instrument), Sileshi plays melodious songs with lyrics that leave you astonished. In his live sets, he incorporates folk tales and stories that inspired the specific song. And as he start strumming his self made custom kirar, the audience is already all on board to take the journey with him and get lost in his music. This special way of interaction he has with his audience often leads to a sing along. You can't help it but to chant, clap or snap along even if you don't know the words. 

      Gash Abera is also one of the very rare artists who made an album for kids. 'Dankira', one of his children's song.

       Sileshi is not only known for his outstandingly unmatchable creativity but also for the positive impact he made in everyday lives of Ethiopians around the country. He does a phenomenal job in motivating the youth to keep their environment clean and helping tackle related health issues. In Ethiopia, the name 'Gash Abera Molla' is a synonym for 'Clean your neighborhood'. He has done almost the unthinkable in helping change the image of cities around Ethiopia. He inspired the youth around the country not only by teaching them the importance of a clean environment but also by participating in action. 

    Sileshi and his army of young Ethiopians were out picking up trash, cleaning up streets and setting up public parks where children and adults enjoy themselves. Places where people use as dumpster were turned into a green zone. Eventually, the mission grew from  being 'Gash Abera and the youth' to inspiring the entire community get involved. He had accomplished what the city municipals around the country couldn't even attempt. His mission of creating a cleaner and healthier environment is still an ongoing effort that every Ethiopian should support.  

   Although it has been a minute since he has released a new album, Sileshi has recorded several albums and collaborated with the big names in African music scene. Currently, he resides in Addis Abeba  where he performs and does features  occasionally.

  Sileshi Demissie / Gash Abera Molla - 16 tracks (69 minutes)  


Chakith said...

this zippyshare link expired. will you reupload please

Anonymous said...

i am Asked to invite Gaseh Abera Molla to Mekelle in Nov 2015 to take part in an International conference on The History of Ethiopian Art and Architecture that Mekelle University is hosting. Please, if you know where I can find him or if you happen to know his contact or know someone who knows Gaseh Abera Molla…. Message me +251914708954.

2b0rn0t0b said...

unfortunately, I have no contact with him. sorry[ethiopia].rar

Chakith said...


Unknown said...

Our Legendary Artist!