

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Petites Planètes - NOW ETHIOPIA • A morning over Dorzé [polyphonic singings from the south] [2012] [ethiopia]

originally posted at :

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A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - ከቀትር በፊት አበባ (0:34)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - ሕፃናት (1:16)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - ዝኒ ከማሁ (1:14)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - አፍሪካ (2:21)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - ወፍራም ወተት (2:28)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - እሽሩሩ መደማመጥ (2:21)
A MORNING OVER DORZÉ • polyphonic singings from the south - መሥራት ዘፈን (1:53)

recorded by Vincent Moon 
in the village of Dorzé, southern Ethiopia 
may 2012 

mixed by Florent Picollet 


Deepአቢሲኒያ said...

Great vocal harmony... great tribal song !

roberth said...

can't wait to download and hear this one. looks magical

estela carvalho said...

please upload again

LolaRadio said...

any chance for re-up? Dorze rock!

2b0rn0t0b said...

LolaRadio said...

Thank ou so much.
You are my hero of the month.
I only knew thiis one: ethiopie - polyphonies des Dorze -CNR274 646

It's downloading now, cant wait to hear it.

greetz rom the swamp

2b0rn0t0b said...

@ LolaRadio :

enjoy, man! I realy appreciate your blog, it's extraordinary.
a lot of links posted on mediafire is dead, and all from zippyshare also.

browse my blog and feel free to demand reupload, I will gladly do it.

peskypesky said...

Thank you once again for sharing this great music! :)