
Showing posts with label somali funk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label somali funk. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

v.a. - Sweet As Broken Dates; Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa [2017] [somalia]

The Sharero Band - Sharero

Nimco Jamaac - 01 - Buuraha U Dheer (The Highest Mountains) (5:48)
Aamina Camaari - 02 - Rag waa Nacab iyo Nasteexo (Men are Cruel and Kind) (6:00)
Ali Nuur - 03 - Unknown (5:20)
Hibo Nuura - 04 - Haddii Hoobalkii Gabay (If the (4:32)
Gacaltooyo Band feat. Faduumin - 05 - Ninkaan Ogayn (He Who Does Not (4:07)

Iftiin Band feat. Mahmud Abdal - 06 - Xuduud Ma Leh Xubigaan (7:13)
Xasan Diiriye - 07 - Qaraami (Love) (6:42)
Dur Dur Band feat. Sahra Dawo - 08 - Gorof (Elixir) (5:40)
Sharaf Band feat. Xaawo Hiiraa - 09 - Kadeed Badanaa Naftaydani (5:31)
4 Mars - 10 - Na Daadihi (Guide Us) (4:33)

Danan Hargeysa feat. Mohamed - 11 - Uur Hooyo (Mother's Womb) (6:08)
Sharero Band feat. Faadumo Qaa - 12 - Qays iyo Layla (Romeo & Juliet) (3:45)
Waaberi Band - 13 - Oktoobar Waatee? Waa Taayadii (4:43)
Dur Dur Band feat. Muqtar Idi - 14 - Duruuf Maa Laygu Diidee 4:22)
Iftiin Band feat. Mahmud Abdal - 15 - Anaa Qaylodhaankaan (5:23)

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Faduma Kassim - [2016] - Majogo / Berflasana [somalia]

       Heavy backbone flipped sax and great vocals sung by the late Faadumo Qaasim.

Faadumo Qaasin -Xabiibi

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

v.a. - Au Revoir, Mogadishu Volume 1 - Songs From Before The War [2015] [somalia]

            Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, was once a beautiful port city (with a very ancient history) called the “White Pearl of the Indian Ocean.” But since the coup in 1991 and subsequent civil war, the city has become a shattered wasteland of anarchy, child soldiers, war lords, and constant violence. While conditions have improved over the past five years, their modern history has all but disappeared. So it’s no surprise that this modern music is unavailable; and even at the time, it was rarely properly released.

         What makes this mixtape so fascinating is that the folks at Çaykh spent months finding, compiling, and editing “rips of TV and live recordings on old VHS tapes and radio broadcasts to cassette tapes.”

Truly an amazing mixtape.

v.a. - Au Revoir, Mogadishu

       This Tape of 70's and 80's Somali sound is a rich blend of traditional Somali folk music infused with Western funk, rock and reggae and a touch of Indian, Arabic and African flavors.

      Side A is good for that mellow creamy morning. Side B will get your ass wiggling! There are hardly any proper releases of this soulful sound of guitar, synthesizer and drums. 

Track list:

01 Libaaxyada Maaweeliska Banaadir – Naga Tag, Kac Hooyaa
02 Waaberi – ? (edit)
03 Kooxda Halgan – badbaado guri hooyo
04 Qadiijo Qalanjo – Diriyam Oo Hoo Diriyam
05 Waaberi Hargeysa – Soo dhowoow
06 Wabari Xishood & Jaceyl – ? (edit)
07 Iftin – Wanaagaaga
08 Waaberi – ? (edit)
09 Qadiijo Qalanjo – Dhesessha
10 Dur-Dur Band – Ethiopian Girl
11 Iftin – Axdigii Waad Oofin Weyde