

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sofia Shibabaw - Fikir Kemekbir Belayi [1996]

   R   E   U   P   L   O   A   D   

       Sofia Shibabaw is Amharic gospel singer (mezmur) from Ethiopia with an extraordinary singing voice. She is one of the best recent Christian artist. So far she have two fantastic albums and also have many records with various Christian artists in different albums.

01. Sofia Shibabaw - Oh Enie Man Negne (6:50)
02. Sofia Shibabaw - Leka Alie Dagna (5:24)
03. Sofia Shibabaw - Keberigne (6:04)
04. Sofia Shibabaw - Alemayehu (5:41)
05. Sofia Shibabaw - Ethiopia (5:51)
06. Sofia Shibabaw - Fikir Kemekbir Belayi (5:03)
07. Sofia Shibabaw - Fikir Chemere (4:46)
08. Sofia Shibabaw - Endantie Yele (7:00)
09. Sofia Shibabaw - Yelewetgne (7:09)
10. Sofia Shibabaw - Edil Fenitaye (6:25)
11. Sofia Shibabaw - Lehiyiwetihe Waga Site (6:01)


2b0rn0t0b said...

Chakith said...

zippyshare link is not working
if you reupload I m graetfull
will you please

Chakith said...

zippyshare link is not working
if you reupload I m graetfull
will you please

Anonymous said...

Can you please reupload this one?

Anonymous said...

Please re-up this album. Thanks in advance.

Ras Kibir said...

That's Gigi's sister...

Sara said...

could someone put the lyrics to this song? please.እባክዎን ግጥሙን አንድ ሰው በዚህ ዘፈን ላይ ማስቀመጥ ይችላል?