

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Menelik Wossenachew - Gash Jembere [Ethio-Grooves EG95-2, 1995] [ethiopia]

I N C L U D I N G   N E W ,  B E T T E R   R I P

The Life and Times of Menelik Wossenachew

December 24, 2009 marked the one year anniversary of the passing of the wonderful, incredibly talented singer, music writer and lyricist, Menelik Wossenachew.  Below is a piece I wrote for Horizon Ethiopia’s November issue.

What makes one artist a legend and another with equal or more talent obscure?  That was the question that popped in my head when I saw the reaction to Tilahun Gessesse’s passing.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved the man.  He was an incredible performer and had one of the best voices I’ve come across.

And I believe the reaction he received was well deserved. The question for me was, how come I didn’t see 1% of the same reaction when the veteran and amazing talent, Menelik Wossenachew passed away four months prior? A scan in the life and times of the gentle crooner might answer the question.

Early Years

Menelik Wossenachew was born in 1940 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; although he grew up in the city of Harar where he went to a French school. Later on, he dropped out of high school and joined Alliance Ethio-Française in Addis Ababa for five years. In 1960 he joined the Haile Selassie I Theatre Orchestra.  He was fist hired as a backup vocalist but quickly became a favorite of the director of the Orchestra, the grandfather of all arrangers; Nerses Nalbandian.

The first two songs he sang on stage were Almaz Eyasebkush and Fiqer Lemn Yiqer. Other hits continued including Afer Atinfegign, Fiker Bastergwami, Yachi Lij Konjo Nat, Teyaqiyew Biaschegregn (Ene Wushetenew,) YeHarerwa WeTat, Fiker Ayarjim, and Sukar Sukar. The last two were written by clarinet player, Merawi Sitot and their music was taken from two popular Sudanese tunes.  Nerses Nalbandian was so impressed with Menelik’s vocal range that he had him sing opera as well.

Coming Of Age

In 1965, while still at the orchestra, Menelik joined the second Ras Band which had been assembled by Girma Beyene when the first band left to play at the newly built Ghion Hotel.  The second Ras Band consisted of Girma Beyene (piano & English vocals), Tesfamariam Kidane (saxophone), Hailu “Zehon” Kebede (bass), Girma Zemariam (drums), Menelik Wossenachew and Seyfu Yohannes (vocalists). The songs Wub Natand Tikura were performed by Menelik Wossenachew while he was at the Ras Band.  Menelik Wossenachew and Girma Beyene continued their friendship and collaboration after the Ras Band disbanded in the late 1960’s.

In the early 1970s Menelik recorded several tracks for Phillips Ethiopia including Fikrachin, Mambo Sambo, Aderch Arada and Tebeb Teqami New.  The first two were recorded with the All Star Band and arranged by Mulatu Astatqe while the last two were recorded with the Haile Selassie I Theatre Orchestra and arranged by Nerses Nalbandian.

Tebeb Teqami New was very famous as it was used as the opening to an education program on Ethiopian Radio. Around the same time period he recorded: Nefes Eko Nat (Sele Wubetwa Sadenq,) Asha Gedawo, Menew Bacher Qere, Eshet Eshet, Chereqa, Meqabren Liyew, Tizeta, Belew Bedubaye, Bati and Min Nekash. With the exception of Bati> and Min Nekash (Phillips Ethiopia) all of these tracks were recorded by Amha Eshete (Amha Records).  By this time, Menelik’s smooth as silk voice was gaining recognition and his ballads invariably left listeners wanting to hear more.

Menelik was not only vocally talented but a wonderful lyricist as well. Apart from what he wrote for himself (Fikrachin, Mambo Sambo, Nefes Eko Nat, Asha Gedawo, Menew Bacher Qere, Eshet Eshet, Chereqa, Meqabren Liyew, Tizeta, Belew Bedubaye, and Bati) he wrote two incredible songs: Tilahun Gessesse’s Lanchi Biye (he also composed the music for this) and Mahmoud Ahmed’s Fitsum Dinq Lij Nesh.

Parts of Lanchi Biye were recently sampled by the Somalian hip hop artist, K’Naan for his song America.  Chereqa(Moon) is a song based on the children song Chereqa Dembulboqa. The beautiful Meqabren Liyew (Let me see my grave) is an eerie song about Menelik’s wish to see his resting place before his death, an unimaginable thought to a majority of Ethiopians.

In the mid 70’s Menelik joined the Walias Band where his friend and old colleague, Girma Beyene was a member.  At that time the Walias Band was performing at the Hilton Hotel and Menelik was welcomed as a seasoned performer, regularly performing in Italian and Sudanese as well as Amharic. By that time though, the political climate brought about by the Derg’s revolution in 1974, had begun to make Menelik feel acutely uncomfortable.

Though he stayed several years after the revolution his unwavering independence made him a target from all sides of the political spectrum.  He decided to end his collaboration with the Haile Selassie I Theatre Orchestra and the Walias Band and go on a self-imposed exile, first to Sudan and later to Egypt. Though he became a distant figure to his fans in Ethiopia, he became a sought after performer both in Sudan and Egypt.

Late Years

After a total of 14 years in exile Menelik returned to Ethiopia in 1993 with the help of Mohammed Al-Amoudi, the Ethiopian-Saudi businessman.  In 1995 Menelik Wossenachew released a CD entitled, Gash Jembere on Ethio-Grooves record.  The CD was a compilation of his best hits including the title track which Menelik sang as an ode to Mohammed Al-Amoudi for his kindness and assistance shown to him.  It should be noted that Gash Jemebere was a taxi driver near the Itege Hotel (named Awraris Hotel during the Derg) who was known for his kindness.

Apart from special occasions Menelik didn’t perform. I was very fortunate to see him perform one song, Teyaqiyew Biaschegregn (Ene Wushetenew,) in Addis Ababa for the Millennium (GC) festivities. The man still had the voice. One of the last shows he performed was at the 50th Anniversary celebrating the creation of the Haile Selassie Theatre in December 2005.

Menelik Wossenachew’s private life was just that, private!  Getachew Debalqe, his friend and old colleague remembers Menelik as a very discreet and shy person but a very talented soul.  He shares a story how one of Menelik’s brother was surprised to see Menelik perform live at the theatre as he was not aware of his sibling’s musical career at that time.

Menelik remained a bachelor up until his death and was known to have fathered several children.  Menelik died on December 24, 2008 from pneumonia.  He was contemplating a comeback and had gone to South Africa to fix an ear problem. Girma Beyene, upon learning of Menelik’s passing, paid the ultimate tribute to his fallen friend.

“He was a one man show.  Not only was he one of the most talented singers I came across but also one of the smartest [Menelik could speak Amharic, Tigrigna, English, French, Italian and Arabic]. I’ll miss his kindness, his voice and above all I’ll miss his friendship.”

So coming back to the question I raised on the onset of this piece.  Why fame for one and obscurity for another?  I guess there are no clear answers. Maybe its luck or because he had stayed away from music during his exile or that he didn’t have quite the discography as others (Tilahun Gessesse, Mahmoud Ahmed, and Alemayehu Eshete) or that he didn’t jump start his career upon his return. Whatever the reason in the end what is important is that his contribution to the development of contemporary Ethiopian music should be recognized and not forgotten.

v.a. - Manzuma [Muslims in Ethiopia]

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       Although Ethiopia is often perceived as a dominantly Christian country Islam has an important place in the historic and a cultural composition of the country. The first Muslims arrived in Ethiopia during the time of the prophet Muhammad in 615 A.D. and the emergence of the first Muslim sultanates in central Ethiopia date back to the 9th century. Today about 34% of the Ethiopian population are Muslims and Islam is the dominant religion in a number of regions, such as Afar, Somali, Harar, Eastern and Southwestern Oromiya, parts of the Gurage region and the eastern part of the region Wollo. This region is inhabited by a mixture of different ethnic groups, Amhara, Oromo, Argobba and Afar, though Amharic speakers are the majority.


       The introduction of Sufi brotherhoods in Eastern Wollo in the 18th century led to the establishment of centers of Muslim scholarship. Some of the most important centers in Wollo are Anna, Dana, Č̣ali, Geta and Tiru Sina. Theses centers are active till this day and draw pupils from other Muslim regions of Ethiopia such as Jimma and the Gurage region, thus their influence extend beyond the local area. The centers have become destinations of yearly pilgrimages and the scholars who founded these centers as well as their successors are often venerated as awliya, i.e. (Muslim holy men).


       Manzuma is an Arabic term meaning “put into poetic form” and refers to a text written in the metrical system of Classical Arabic Poetry. In Ethiopia manzuma usually refers to Islamic poetry which is performed in a chanted manner. Manzuma was first introduced by Jamal ad-Din Muhammad, the founder of the first Sufi center in Anna in Northeastern Wollo. Although being Ethiopian he used the Arabic language to compose manzuma poems. Shaykh Misbah Deresa from Dana is said to be the first who used his mother tongue Amharic for the composition of manzuma poetry. The most influential Amharic manzuma poet was Sayyid Ibrahim Yasin better known as She Č̣ali, who founded Sufi center in the eastern part of Wollo in the first decades of the 20th century.


       The first manzuma poems composed by Ethiopian Muslim poets were written in Arabic. Because manzuma appeared first in Wollo, where most of the people speak Amharic, most of manzuma poems are composed in Amharic. But in recent times manzuma became also popular in other regions of Ethiopia where other languages are spoken. Today there manzuma poets who compose in other languages, especially in Oromo. In Harar another center of Islamic scholarship in Eastern Ethiopia, religious poetry is known under the name zikri.


       In Ethiopia most of manzuma texts are praise poems and contain different religious topics such as prayer for the Prophet (tawaṣolāt), praise of the Prophet (madḥ an-nabī), which also include biographical accounts of the Prophet (mawlid and miʿrāǧ), and praising God (ṯanāʾ Allāh).

       Though manzuma poems are performed orally they are usually written beforehand. In writing manzuma poems authors usually write in the so-called ajem script, i.e. the use of the Arabic alphabet for Amharic.

       Manzuma poems are usually recited during religious celebrations like mawlid, i.e. the birthday of the Prophet or ziyāra, religious pilgrimages. Other occasions are ḥaḍra meetings, i.e. Sufi gatherings for collective prayers and ḏikr mediations. Manzuma “songs” are chanted by one lead performer who is accompanied by a chorus. The chorus performers are often so-called deresa, i.e. religious students. In Wollo there are basically different forms of manzuma performances. It can be with the accompaniment of a drum, also called dəbbe (dəbbe meaning drum in Amharic), by hand-clapping and sometimes dancing or without any accompaniment in this case called əngurguro.

1. Mahammadnuur Mahammad - Allaahummasallii (9:49)
2. Mohammed Awel - Tajil Mursil (6:29)
3. Mohammed Awel - Ulammaa Binager (7:23)
4. Mohammed Awel - Yahabibi Salam Aleykum (7:26)
5. Raya Manzuma - 01 (17:17)
6. She Ahmed Vol 2 a - She Ahmed Vol 2 a (29:31)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Traditional music group of the National theatre of Ethiopia - [1980]

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        Traditional music group of the National theatre of Ethiopia (1980)

side 1

1. Amara Rumba (tradditional)
2. Our party gives strenght ( revolutionary song)
3. Music of Ifu Gobene ( traditional instrumental song)
4. No life without kisses (traditional song)
5. Learn from History (traditional song)

side 2

1. Aures (tradditional)
2. Brave warrior (traditional song)
3. My revolution (tradditional)
4. Wind of Revolution  (contemporary song)
5. My land  (tradditional)

v.a. - Folk music of Ethiopia and Eritrea [fw04405] [1951]

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Mulatu Astatke - Assiyo Bellema [1994]

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       Mulatu Astatke is a musical titan, in the same league as the likes of Fela Kuti and King Sunny Ade, yet he was first recognized to most people when The Paris-based world music record label, Buda Musique devoted the entire 4th installment of their respected series, Ethiopiques, to his compositions in 1998.

       Astatke was born in 1943 in a town called Jimma in Ethiopia. His family sent him abroad to Wales to study chemical engineering, and instead, he came home with a degree in Music and a whole new sound brewing in his head. After Wales, he proceeded to the prestigious Berklee College of Music becoming the first African student to attend, studying the Vibraphone and percussion.

       After completing his studies and a brief stay in New York, he went home with his new-found knowledge of jazz, and fused it with the rich modal sounds of his home land, giving birth to a new genre: Ethio-Jazz. Jazz was a revolutionary sound not only in Ethiopia, but in all of East Africa. It wasnt until the 1970s that his sound was embraced, at which point , he was a widely revered and respected figure in the Ethiopian music scene. He performed with many Ethiopian stars such as Mahmoud Ahmed, as well as Duke Ellington and his band when they toured Ethiopia in 1973. By the 1980s though it seemed he had faded away the international eye and into obscurity.Thanks to the release of the Ethiopiques, Mulatu experienced what few African artists have ever experienced, an international come-back. His music was the score for Jim Jarmuschs film Broken Flowers in 2005, bringing him into even sharper focus in the international eye.Today, he has been embraced and sampled by a whole new generation of artists and fans, including artists such as Nas, Damian Marley, Cut Chemist, Quantic, Oh No, Madlib, and Knaan. In 2008 he released an album titled Inspiration Information Vol. 3 and toured with the internationally renowned eight- piece funk group the Heliocentrics.

       On March 30th, 2010 Mulatu released his latest album Mulatu Steps Ahead on Strut Records. Brimming with new compositions and re-arrangements of older classics it is an absolute must-have in anyones collection. After more than 50 years in the game he is still able to do what he does best: use the abstractions of jazz to tell an African story. 

     Mulatu Astatke - Assiyo Bellema

       This record from the early nineties features a blend of old and new Ethio-Jazz tunes as well as Mulatu's interpretations of some traditional Ethiopian songs.Recorded at Omega Studios, Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A.

v.a. - Ethio-Grooves-Mix [2011]

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01 Mulatu Astatke – Maskaram Setaba (1)
02 Menelik Wossenachew with Mulatu & All-Star Band – Fikratchin (1)
03 Mulatu Astatke – Yekerme Sew (1)
04 Mahmoud Ahmed with Dahlac Band – Yalem Baytewarnegn (3)
05 Tesfa Mariam Kidane – Heywete (1)
06 Alemayehu Eshete – Kochen Messasate (2)
07 Bahta Gebre Hiwot – Gizie (2)
08 Ibrahim Mahmoud – Gual Aboy Reda (5)
09 Mulatu Astatke – Hooha (1)
10 Aselefech Ashine And Getenesh Kebret – Meche New (4)
11 Tilahun Gessesse with Mulatu & All-Star Band – Lanchi Biye (1)
12 Girma Beyene – Yebekagnale (2)
13 Mulatu Astatke – Emnete (1)
14 Getatchew Mekuria – Yegenet Muziqa (6)
15 Menelik Wossenachew with Mulatu & All-Star Band – Beluw Bedubaye (1)
16 Alemayehu Eshete with Girma Beyene & All-Star Band – Addis Ababa Bete (2)
17 Tilahun Gessesse – Tchuheten Bitsemu (4)
18 Menelik Wossenachew – Chereka (2)
19 Walias Band – Musika Silt (2)
20 Mahmoud Ahmoud with Dahlac Band – Yefikir Wuha Temu (3)
21 Mulatu Astatke – Tezeta (1)

Arranged By;

(1) Mulatu Astatke;
(2) Girma Beyene;
(3) Tezera Haile Michael;
(4) Teshome Sissay;
(5) Ghermaie Solomon;
(6) Getatchew Mekuria

Girma Wolde Michael - Loga [1994]

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For over 25 years, Girma Wolde Michael has played professionally with various bands – The City Hall, The Shebelle, and The Ethio-Stars Band among them – and has performed with the Admas band on many projects and tours. He plays the clarinet and flute, but Girma is perhaps best known for his skill with the saxophone; his smooth touch and soothing sounds have been admired by fans and peers alike. Girma’s unique sound has been influenced by his extensive travel across the musical landscape of Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America.

01. Girma Wolde Michael - Loga [Nesh Loga] (6:23)
02. Girma Wolde Michael - Wetatwa (6:45)
03. Girma Wolde Michael - Yamognegnal (5:58)
04. Girma Wolde Michael - Tizita (6:21)
05. Girma Wolde Michael - Fikrishin Derrebe (4:20)
06. Girma Wolde Michael - Nigerign Minnew (6:47)
07. Girma Wolde Michael - Tey Atastchenikign (6:51)
08. Girma Wolde Michael - Shemonmwanayewa & Fikre Hoy (7:35)
09. Girma Wolde Michael - Yewoliyo (4:55)
10. Girma Wolde Michael - Sewunetwa (3:22)

Yemane Kidane - Tigrigna songs [1999] [eritrea]

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Another great work of  Yemane Kidane, famous eritrean guitarist. 
His album with Efrem Tesfayesus is very rare and unique. Enjoy !!!

1. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Atsafrey (7:00)
2. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Kem Kokeb (6:43)
3. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Grma (8:23)
4. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Nie Telo (6:07)
5. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Naznet (8:26)
6. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Almaz (7:26)
7. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Halhalta Fikriki (7:28)
8. Yemane Kidane & Efrem Tesfayesus- Berhan Aynei (5:50)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Yemane Kidane - [2000] - Instrumental Eritrean Songs

       Yemane Kidane is famous eritrean guitarist. His passion for music started to emerge at an early age when he was given  a guitar by his brother-in-law, and his talent continued to grow since.  

       Living in Canada since 1992, Yemane's reputation as one of the top Eritrean lead guitarists earned him the honor to perform with such renowned artists such as Yemane "Baria," Bereket Menghisteab, Tsehaytu beraki and many more.

       Yemane has previously released an instrumental CD with Efrem Tesfayesus titled "Instrumental Tigrigna Songs"  in 1999.  
      However his latest solo  CD release titled "Instrumental Eritrean Songs," is indeed a sweet reminder how talented this young musician is.

The CD has 8 professionally-composed versions of his favorite oldies. 

1. Yemane Kidane - Iwan Halifu - Haile Gebru (6:25)
2. Yemane Kidane - Batsi'e - Helen Meles (5:09)
3. Yemane Kidane - Libey Midrebeda - Osman Abderehim (7:29)
4. Yemane Kidane - Laley Bola - Tsehaytu Berakhi (5:16)
5. Yemane Kidane - Sematat - Berhane Ghebru (6:56)
6. Yemane Kidane - Ab Gezai Keyi'atu - Tebereh Tesfahuney (6:14)
7. Yemane Kidane - Hibobla Fikri - Almaz Teferi (6:03)
8. Yemane Kidane - Awatif - Sudan (6:23)

Imperial Tiger Orchestra - BBC Studio Session [2012]

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       Inspired by the golden age of Ethiopian jazz in the nineteen-seventies, in 2007 the Swiss trumpet player Raphael Anker got together a band to play, and play with, this extraordinary music. A trip to Addis Ababa to perform with and learn from the locals inspired them to record an album, taking Ethio-jazz as a starting point, but also bringing in influences from rock, jazz, funk and electronic music.

1. Imperial Tiger Orchestra - Yefekis wohatimu (BBC Studio session) (5:28)
2. Imperial Tiger Orchestra - Yeshiri Sheri  (BBC Studio session)  (5:02)
3. Imperial Tiger Orchestra - Lee Lee (BBC Studio session)
4. Imperial Tiger Orchestra  - Djemergne  (BBC Studio session)  (5:34)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

just a few words for the forthcoming first anniversary

       About year ago, I started this blog mainly in an effort to share my huge collection of Ethiopian music. I am not an internet maniac, and I am not into IT, but I can figure it out how to post some photos, textes, video links, and how to upload download links.

       Well, I am very proud now. Today, possibly tomorrow, my blog will be visited for 100.000 time. 

       Most of my D/L files are deleted. If you are partricularly interested in some album, send a comment. 


Friday, November 9, 2012

Teshome Mitiku - Yesterday and Today [1999]

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       Teshome Mitiku's career stretches back to Addis Ababa, where he began performing at local schools and nightclubs when he was just a teenager.

       In the late 60's, singer and keyboardist Teshome Mitiku; Teshome's brother and alto saxophonist, Theodros "Teddy" Mitiku; trumpeter Tamrat Ferendji; bassist Fekade Amde-Meskel; drummer Tesfaye Mekonnen; guitarist Alula Yohannes and singer Seifu Yohannes, joined to form the influential Soul Ekos Band. The band released numerous songs, including four hits written by Teshome: Gara Ser New Betesh, Yezemed Yebada, Mot Adeladlogn and Hasabe.

       He fled from Addis Ababa to Sweden at the peak of his musical career in 1969 after the government endorsed a strict, mandatory night curfew, which prevented him from performing at local venues. A few years later, Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown in a coup d'etat by the Dergue regime, Teshome permanently moved to Sweden in 1970 and enrolled at the Music Conservatory in Malmo. He started performing with a 12-piece, jazz band, called Tolvan. He then switched gears and enrolled at Lund University, where he received his Masters of Arts in Sociology.

During a brief visit in the 80's to the United States, Teshome collaborated with the Admas Band and released "Teshome Mitiku and His Experience," an album full of jazzy tracks like Mengezem Hulgezem and Almazeye.
He relocated to the United States in 1990 and released the critically acclaimed album, "Yegna Neger" with favorites like Photoyen Ayechew and Che Belew.
In 1994, Teshome also collaborated with Mulatu Astatke. He wrote the Wello Song (Pearl of Ethiopia) on Mulatu Astatke's "Assiyo Bellama" album.
He coordinated with various Ethiopian artists in 1996 and formed the first Ethiopian Music Association, where they teamed up to perform at various fundraisers, including the Kennedy Center, to raise money for orphanages in Ethiopia.
His third album "Gara Ser New Betish" was released in 1997 with splendid tracks like Satenow and Bechegnaw.
Four of the songs that were originally recorded with the Soul Ekos Band and Teshome were re-released on "Ethiopiques Vol. 1" in 1998.
Teshome released his fourth album in 1999, "Yesterday & Today" with saxophonist and brother, Teddy Mitiku with remastered hits like Alemazeye and Che Belew .
Teshome Mitiku and Either Orchestra at the Chicago Jazz Festival, September 2010
       In 2002, Either/Orchestra released "Afro-Cubism," a six-track album with an interpretation of Teshome's "Yezemed Yebada."
Teshome's fifth album, Topia's Deluge was released on May 9th, 2006 and his most recent recording, "Zemen" was released in 2009.
Atletu, an indepedent film released in 2009, features "Yezemed  Yebada."