

Friday, August 26, 2016

Taniqo - Wala Aikeseb [2004] [eritrea]

       Temesgen "Taniqo" Gebre Selassie is one of the hottest young Eritrean artists to come out of the Asmara music scene, with his unique blend of Eritrean guaila and pop.

Temesgen Taniqo - Tsebah Megesha

Taniqo - 01 - Tsebah Megesha (9:09)
Taniqo - 02 - Wala Aikeseb (6:01)
Taniqo - 03 - Begahdi Ne'elil (6:14)
Taniqo - 04 - Men Ikhi Men (6:09)
Taniqo - 05 - Debena Yele Serbi (6:15)
Taniqo - 06 - Mgudal Abyu Tsegemey (6:02)
Taniqo - 07 - Teta'isu (4:35)
Taniqo - 08 - Alamdni (7:03)
Taniqo - 09 - Felfalit Fiqhri (6:15)


2b0rn0t0b said...

KongKing said...

More great music! Many thanks.
Permit me to ask for information or help from other downloaders from this site.
I have a technical problem not related to music, but the problem only occurs with downloads from this site.
Does anyone else have a similar perplexing problem of corrupted files downloaded from links in this blog?

When I download from links from this site, usually several tracks are corrupted.
Most of the broken tracks can be played a bit, but they are not complete.
When I repeat the download there are still corrupted tracks, not the same tracks as in the earlier download.
So it takes 2 or three downloads to get a complete set of tracks.

Winrar, Bandzip and other programs all find the same corruption issues, so these are not the source of the problem.
The same problem arises with several different computers, so these are not the problem.
I don't have this problem with downloads from other sites.
I don't have this problem with downloads from Mediafire, apart from links from this blog.
And the problem did not happen prior to roughly a year ago. Maybe the substantial improvement in my ISP's internet speeds in recent years is a factor.

Does anyone else have similar problems?
Does anyone have any ideas regarding the cause or solution of the problem?

Anonymous said...

You really have been busy of late, haven't you? More great music from probably the best-researched ethnic music site I've ever seen.