

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mahmoud Ahmed - Selam [ethiopia]

       Mahmoud Ahmed is one of the biggest singers in Ethiopia, known all over the world. One of his greatest gifts as a live performer include his ability to get the shoulder-shaking Eskista dance spread like wildfire! With him on stage, he is one of Ethiopia’s most legendary live bands - Roha Band!

Mahmoud Ahmed - Selam

      Mahmoud Ahmed was born in Addis Ababa’s Mercato district and began his career as shoe shine boy before he became one of his country’s top stars. Already at an early age he was fascinated by the music that was played at home on Ethiopian radio. During the 60s, he got a job at the club, Arizona, the club where Haile Selassie’s legendary Imperial Bodyguard Band played. He soon became part of the band’s regular set, where he stayed until 1974. 

     During the 70th,  Mahmoud recorded a series of songs with the record companies Amha and Kaifa and quickly became a big name within Ethiopian music. In the 1980s he ran his own music store in Addis Ababa while he continued his singing career. 1986 he gained a larger Western audience when the Belgian label Crammed Discs released the collection Ere Mela Mela, and even greater international attention in the late 1990s after Buda Musique launched the Éthiopiques series. This led to new recordings and tours in Europe and the USA with Boston’s Either / Orchestra, and French Badume Band. His undulating, slightly veiled voice, which seems to be able to express every nuance, has retained the charm and properties that are characteristic of Azmaris, traditional bards performing in local pubs in Ethiopia. 

      Mahmoud Ahmed is still one of the most well known and beloved Ethiopian artists in the world.

Mahmoud Ahmed - 01 - Tetesh (5:36)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 02 - Abaye mado (5:20)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 03 - Kelenesh (Gurage) (5:14)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 04 - Erey endale lebay (7:34)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 05 - Selam (4:59)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 06 - Awy legeto (7:07)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 07 - Enbayen lemetereg (5:48)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 08 - Tey neylegn menew (5:20)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 09 - Tizita yakatelew (6:31)
Mahmoud Ahmed - 10 - Dekamenesh temate (5:37)

1 comment:

2b0rn0t0b said...